privacy policy
NEXTGROUP (hereinafter referred to as "our organization") has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") regarding users' personal information.
This policy explains what personal information we collect, how we use and share it, and how you can manage your personal information.
第一条 事業者に関する情報
Shop name: NEXTGROUP
Location: 10-15 Shinsencho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative: Rion Moriyama
Email address for inquiries:
Article 2 Personal information acquired
When users use our services, we may collect the personal information set out below.
In addition, we do not stipulate that we collect the personal information listed below for all services. Depending on the service, we may not collect any of the personal information listed below, or we may collect only some of the personal information listed below.
(1) Information regarding the identification of the communication device
(2) IP address
(3) Name
(4) Address
(5)Email address
(6)Telephone number
(7) Date of birth
(8) Copy of identification card
Article 3: How personal information is acquired
We collect information in the following ways:
(1) By directly entering the information on the Service
(2) When you provide the information to us by email, post, in writing, or by telephone, etc.
(3) Methods of collecting information when you use or browse the Service
(4) Indirect collection from business partners and third parties
(5) How we collect your information from third parties, such as public DMP operators, affiliate service providers, and other various service providers
(6) Methods of mechanically collecting content displayed on third-party services with your consent
Article 4 How we use personal information
(1) サービスの提供・運営のため
(2) サービスの運営上必要な事項の通知のため
(3) サービスの会員であるお客様の管理のため
(4) メールマガジンの送信、ダイレクトメールの送付のため
(5) 広告効果の分析、市場分析、マーケティングのため
(6) サービスの各種問合せ、アフターサービス対応のため
(7) 不正アクセス、不正利用の防止のため
(8) サービスその他のコンテンツの開発・改善のため
(11) 上記の利用目的に付随する目的
Article 5 Measures to safely manage personal data
Our organization will take necessary measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of collected information and to properly manage collected information. The measures taken by our organization for safety management are outlined below. We will promptly respond to requests from users to the point of contact specified in this policy regarding the specific details of the measures.
(1) Formulation of basic policies and establishment of rules regarding the handling of personal information
(2) Establishment of a person responsible for handling personal information and a reporting and liaison system
(3) Implementing measures to prevent anyone other than the person in charge from easily viewing personal information (including partitions and entry/exit control using IC cards, etc.)
(4) Implement measures to prevent theft or loss of devices that handle personal information (including storing devices in a library, setting passwords, etc.)
(5) Clarify the devices that can handle personal information and the persons with access rights to such devices, and prevent unnecessary access to personal information.
(6) Set a password when handling emails, etc.
(7) Keep the operating systems of devices that handle personal information up to date
(8) Install security software on devices that handle personal information
Article 6 Shared Use of Personal Data
6-1 個人データの管理に関する責任者
6-2 共同して利用する者の利用目的
6-3 利用項目
6-4 共同して利用する者の範囲
6-5 共同して利用する者の名称・氏名・所在地
組織名:NEXTGROUP WORLD(ネクストグループワールド)
代表者名:森山 璃音(モリヤマ リオン)
Article 7 Provision of personal data to third parties
Unless otherwise specified by law or guidelines, our organization will not provide personal information to third parties without consent.
Article 8 Disclosure and correction of retained personal data
当組織は本人から個人情報の開示を求められたときには、遅滞なく本人に対しこれを開示します。個人情報の利用目的の通知や訂正、追加、削除、利用の停止、第三者への提供の停止を希望される方は以下の手順で ご請求ください。
8-1 前項の求め又は請求にあたっては、同項各号のうちいずれの請求か特定の上、本人確認のための書類(運転免許証、健康保険証、住民票の写し等)をご提出頂きます。
8-2 ご請求については専用メールアドレスにまずご連絡いただいた後、当組織で所定の手続き後お客様の住所宛に必要書類をお送りいたしますので必要事項をご記入の上当組織までご返送ください。
8-3 第8条第1項の求め及び第2項の請求については、1件につき、1500円の手数料をご負担頂きますのであらかじめご了承ください。
8-4 あきらかな嫌がらせ目的での取得や他人の個人情報を取得する行為は認められていません。
8-5 第8条第3項に定める手数料の払込方法は、当組織所定の銀行口座に金員を振り込む方法に限ります。
Article 9: Contact point for inquiries or complaints regarding the handling of personal information
If you have any questions, concerns, complaints or other inquiries regarding our organization's handling of personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form.
Article 10: SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
The websites of our organization and the organizations (subordinate organizations) that make up our group are compatible with SSL and encrypt communication between the web browser and the web server. Personal information entered by users, such as name, address, and phone number, is automatically encrypted.
Article 11 Cookies
A cookie is data sent from a web server to a web browser. By referencing cookies, the web server can identify the user's computer, allowing the user to use our website more efficiently. The files sent by our website as cookies do not contain any information that can identify individuals. You can disable cookies by changing the settings of your web browser.
We use Google Analytics provided by Google LLC on this service to investigate and analyze the usage status of the services we provide. For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics and other information on Google Analytics, please visit the company's website.
Google Analytics Terms of Use:
How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps:
Google Privacy Policy:
If you do not want your data to be used by Google Analytics, please use the Google Analytics opt-out add-on provided by Google.
Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on:
This service enables "Google Analytics Advertising Features" and uses the following features to use third-party cookies such as DoubleClick Cookies for advertising and site improvement.
Google AnalyticsRemarketing
Google Analytics Demographic Reports and Interest Reports
As a result, this service uses Google Analytics cookies, enabling analysis to roughly grasp your age, gender, browsing history, and trends in interest regarding this service.
If you do not want to use "Google Analytics Advertising Features", you can disable tracking by setting it. You can disable tracking by installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on in your browser.
Article 12 Revision of Privacy Policy
This policy may be revised by our organization at any time.
We will take measures such as always clearly indicating the date of the last change to this policy and making the previous version available for reference. For significant changes, we will notify you more proactively by drawing your attention to them.
In addition, if you use the service after the revision or start using the service for the first time after the revision, you will automatically be deemed to have agreed to the new policy even without notice.
Article 13 Establishment and revision dates of the Privacy Policy
Established on __/__/2024
Article 14 Disclaimer
While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this website, we take no responsibility for any actions taken by users using the information on this website.
The Organization shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or any damages incurred by users to third parties as a result of their use of the Organization's website.
Article 15 Copyright and portrait rights
All text, images, and content on this organization's website are protected by copyright and portrait rights. Unauthorized use or diversion is prohibited.